Executive Committee
Executive Committee
The Executive Committee is responsible for the day-to-day management of Vastned including its subsidiaries except for Vastned Belgium N.V. The Executive Committee’s aim is to contribute to long-term value creation for the various stakeholders of Vastned. The members of the Executive Committee promote Vastned’s values through leading by example.
The Executive Committee is composed of: Reinier Walta (Chairman and Managing Director), Thierry Fourez (Head of Asset Management), Maurice van Dongen (Finance Director), Peggy Deraedt (Director Legal), Simon Theeuwes (Manager Investor Relations) and Raymond Kramer (Company Secretary).
Governance of Executive Committee
The members of the Executive Committee, with the exception of the chair, are appointed by the Executive Board with the approval of the Supervisory Board.
The Executive Committee Regulations have been adopted by the Executive Board and Executive Committee with the approval of the Supervisory Board and include, amongst other things, rules on the Executive Committee’s functioning and internal organisation.
Read the Executive Board and Executive Committee Regulations