Vastned is a listed (Euronext
Amsterdam) European property
company with a portfolio
of approximately €1.5 billion.
Amsterdam) European property
company with a portfolio
of approximately €1.5 billion.
Investor Relations
Vastned is a listed (Euronext Amsterdam) European property company with a portfolio of approximately €1.5 billion.
Vastned invests in selected cities in Europe with a focus on the best real estate in the popular shopping areas of selected European cities with a historic city center, where shopping, living, working and leisure meet. The focus on quality will contribute to long-term, stable and predictable results.

Clear communication
Vastned attaches a great deal of importance to informing all of its stakeholders simultaneously, on a timely basis and in a clear and unambiguous way. The company’s investor relations activities aim to achieve this.
Vastned is committed to reporting in accordance with the biennial Transparency benchmark of the Dutch Ministery of Economic Affairs and the Tax Transparency benchmark of the VBDO.
Euronext Amsterdam
ISIN: NL0000288918
Ticker: VASTN.NL
Number of listed shares: 19,036,646
Number of outstanding shares as at 25 June 2020: 17,151,976
Key figures
Investment Returns
The principle of the dividend policy is to distribute to shareholders at least 75% of the direct result.
Stock dividend is offered only when the share is attractively priced. The dividend policy will provide in occasional capital needs, in anticipation on the economic climate. This policy is in line with Vastned’s strategy, which is aimed at quality, stability and predictability.